- The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses. 冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。
- Shell, Exxon, Chevron and others are joining in. 壳牌、埃克森、雪佛龙等其他公司也纷纷加入。
- Chevron Car Screen Savers - Chevron. 汽车屏幕保护与墙纸。
- To develop or cause to develop crevasses. 使裂口造成或使造成裂隙
- Is Chevron - Texaco Caltex products Huainan agents. 是雪佛龙-德士古加德士产品淮南代理商。
- Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees. 嗽叭形堆积通常由堤防决口的洪流所形成。
- Chevron's offer already has all the necessary regulatory approvals. 山型公司的收购申请已经完成了所有的审批程序。
- A guide takes the lead to check the path for crevasses. 一位要开路的引路者需检查被雪覆盖的路面是否有裂缝。
- Chevron, the country's second biggest, added 87 cents to $90.17. 该国的第二大石油公司雪佛龙股价则上涨了87美分至90.;17美元。
- S. assets.The bid failed, and Unocal was acquired by Chevron Corp. 此事还促使美国通过法案要求加强对外商收购美国资产的审查。
- Exxon Mobil and Chevron led the energy sector rose 6.1 percent. 埃克森美孚和雪佛龙带领能源板块上涨6.1%25。
- ExxonMobil, Chevron, Johnson &Johnson and Merck Sharp &Dohme sales. 埃克森美孚、雪佛龙、强生与默沙东跌幅较大。
- At the headquarters of the Chevron Corporation in San Ramon, Calif. 在加州奥克兰附近圣雷蒙的雪铁龙公司总部大门外,100名左右的示威者聚集起来,阻断了交通。
- Chevron has filed a 9,000-page rebuttal of Mr Cabrera's report. 雪佛龙则提交了一份9000页的报告反驳卡布雷拉先生的报告。
- McKinley and through the craggy crevasses of electric blue glaciers. 热爱野生动物的人可以在阿拉斯加大饱眼福。
- The two men are leading a major legal case against the Chevron oil company. 他们正与雪佛龙石油公司打一场官司,
- Chevron was guilty of environmental violations and paid $6.5 million in fines. “雪佛龙”因破坏环境而被判有罪,罚款650万美元。
- Fibrinogen and thrombin may concrete blood to jam the crevasses of blood vessels for avoiding excessive loss of blood. 血纤维蛋白原和凝血酶,自身手创伤时使血液凝固以堵塞血管破口,防止血液流失过多。
- In Sagada, Luzon, the loved ones of the dead, place the deceased in crevasses high atop mountainsides. 在吕宋岛的萨咖达,死者的亲人朋友将其尸体安置在高山顶上的裂缝中。
- A: Shallow crevasses can form during earthquake-induced landslides, lateral spreads, or other types of ground failures. 答:地震引发的山崩会产生浅层裂缝,横向拉伸,或其他形式的地表事故。